<html><head></head><body><div style="font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;"><div>Hi All,</div><div>Today I spent the day balancing E3000 in my test pool. I was pretty concerned that my calculations may be off and the sub would be out of balance. The buoyancy tanks are behind the occupant sphere, so I was worried I would not be able to balance it. Turns out my math is spot on and the sub balanced out perfectly. My pool is is pretty simple, it is a hole in the ground with a liner. I have a removable two part lid so animals or people can't fall in. I will leave it full of water over the winter so I can do the final tests in the spring before the lakes thaw out. I will send the picture in the next email because I am experimenting to see what size picture I can send from my phone.</div><div>Hank</div></div></body></html>