I heard that Elon Musk had proposed something similar just recently.<br><br>That said, this is a team of soccer players... As such, shouldn't they already know how to dive? <br><br>Kidding aside, I hope they can be extricated safely.<br><br>Sean<br><br><br><br><br>-------- Original Message --------<br>On Jul 7, 2018, 21:33, Alan via Personal_Submersibles < personal_submersibles@psubs.org> wrote:<blockquote class="protonmail_quote"><br><html><head></head><body>You have probably all heard of the Thai soccer team trapped in the cave<br>in Thailand for a couple of weeks now!<br>They are trying to train the kids to dive as one of the escape options.<br>One of the sections is a 20 minute dive.<br>What about a miniature flexible submarine.?<br>Have a flexible bag made of pvc with a hatch incorporated in it.<br>Have a small scrubber & battery & small O2 tank with one of Phils belows <br>add systems on it.<br>The kids are weighted & enter the bag. Air is sucked out via a valve<br>until the unit is neutrally buoyant. <br>They are hooked on to a guide rope & are pulled through the underwater<br>sections.<br>They can get out & walk through dry sections.<br>Thoughts?<br>Alan<br><br>Sent from my iPad<br>_______________________________________________<br>Personal_Submersibles mailing list<br>Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org<br><a href="http://www.psubs.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/personal_submersibles">http://www.psubs.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/personal_submersibles</a><br></body></html></div>