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<p class="owaPara"><font face="Constantia,Serif">Hi All,</font></p>
<p class="owaPara"> </p>
<p class="owaPara">I have to re-machine the pop off top of my overpressure valve. I threaded the hole by hand and now i have finally attepted to fit it with its O ring, i can see that the bolt is not straight, causing mis-seating of the valve top. Im not
over happy with having the bolt passing through anyway as it doesnt slide very easily.
So, im going to machine up a new smooth shaft which should be straight. Thats easy enough.</p>
<p class="owaPara"> </p>
<p class="owaPara">BUT, at the same time, i am tempted to put in a second O ring groove and have 2 O rings on the pop off top. There is enough room for one outside the existing.
I seem to remember there was discussion on double O rings a while ago. Anyone have any thoughts on this idea? Seems to me to be a good idea as its got 2 seals, but ?</p>
<p class="owaPara"> </p>
<p class="owaPara"><font face="Constantia,Serif">Pic here as i was machining it.</font></p>
<p class="owaPara"> </p>
<p class="owaPara">Kind Regards</p>
<p class="owaPara">James</p>
<p class="owaPara"> </p>
<p class="owaPara"><font face="Constantia,Serif"><a href="http://www.guernseysubmarine.com/publication2_files/Page20544.htm">http:/</a></font><font face="Constantia,Serif">/www.guernseysubmarine.com/publication2_files/Page20544.htm</font></p>