[PSUBS-MAILIST] Invasive Species decontamination

Brian Hughes via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Sat Oct 5 12:21:17 EDT 2019

After what the department of natural resources required to bring a sub into Montana, decided to muse on decontamination process for Harold. Need something simple, portable and easy.  How about a camping hot water heater? So I found a new, old stock one on eBay and it's incoming.  With potential trips to lakes in New York (many contaminated with invasive mussels) I want to be sure to do it right.  I'll rig up something and share when done. I already have the 12v pump I got for another project.

Poking around online the recommended method is water at least 100 degrees F with 120 optimal. 140 if you want to just spray it down.

Our local quarry that was perfect for sub tests, they let us have it all to ourselves during the week, was shut down last year because zebra mussels were found in it. Now even divers are banned. The local government spent a lot of money to kill them off (the mussels, not the divers) and stop the spread. I doubt it was us, but easy to see how a Great Lakes diver who didn't clean their gear introduced them.

Being proactive here.

This is what I bought.



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