Joe Perkel josephperkel at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 18 23:52:02 EST 2013

Late to the party, busy shooting kid vids.<br/><br/>I just modeled and analyzed the VBT last week, talk about timing. Several things struck me, one is that the internal volume is a nearly exact 1 cu ft, (the assembly weight approx 43 lbs) another being the funky placement of both the vent and flood penetrations, neither of which allow for full advantage to be taken of the internal volume. Both suggestions of a drain plug as well as repositioning of the penetrations being sound propositions.<br/><br/>Another thing that struck me is that the welded mounting is not conducive to removal and replacement, a bolt-on affair is highly preferable. And yet another revelation being that two of these mounted far enough apart in an elongated design could be possibly considered to make for a viable trim by moments system. However, I've not yet done calcs on the effectiveness of that.<br/><br/>Joe<br/><br/><br/><a
 href="http://overview.mail.yahoo.com?.src=iOS"><br/><br/>Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad</a>
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